One of the best features of Google Chrome on Mac is that you can add shortcuts to your computer’s dock. You’ll be able to open your site up as a side window, making it easy to access when needed.
In addition to adding shortcuts to favorite websites, you can also add shortcuts to social networks without Mac App Store apps. There are plenty of options, including Tumblr, Pinterest, and more.
There are so many social networks to choose from, but only a few have official apps. That’s where Shortcuts come in! Add shortcuts to your favorite social networks without opening a dedicated app. You can even keep them on your Dock and return to them anytime, just like an improvised application.
Add a Website Shortcut to the Mac Dock
Here’s how to add a shortcut of a website or a specific web page to your Mac’s Dock using Google Chrome:
1. On the Google Chrome taskbar, find the three dots on the far right and click on them.
2. In the options window that will open, enter More tools > Create shortcut.
3. A new window will open on the screen for you to create the shortcut of the open website in question. Before clicking “Create,” select the “Open with window” option.
4. The website shortcut will be added to your Mac’s Google Chrome Applications folder.
5. drag the website icon to your Mac’s Dock to add the shortcut.
6. release the click when the icon is inside your Mac’s Dock.
7. it may be that the icon in question contrasts significantly with the other applications in your Dock. To resolve this, you can customize your shortcut icon by looking for a new image on sites like macOS Icons (see how to do that here). If not, skip step 12.
8. When downloading a new icon for your shortcut, go to the Finder search field and look for your Mac’s Google Chrome Applications folder.
9. When you find your shortcut in the Google Chrome apps list, follow these instructions to customize it.
10. with the new icon set, remove the previous icon from your Mac’s Dock and drag the new one.
11. with your shortcut icon adjusted and re-added to the Dock, click on it to open it.
12. the shortcut to the website in question will open in a Google Chrome window.