5 Apps to Remind You to Drink Water and Stay Hydrated

By Aayush

In a world where our attention is constantly divided between work, social media, and endless digital distractions, even the most fundamental aspects of self-care can slip through the cracks. Staying properly hydrated is an essential habit many of us struggle to maintain consistently. With summer temperatures rising and heat waves becoming more frequent, proper hydration isn’t just about comfort—it’s a critical health necessity.

Apps that remind you to drink water can be a great way to stay hydrated, especially during hot weather or heat waves. These apps track your water intake throughout the day and send notifications to remind you to stay on top of your hydration goals.


Apps that help you stay hydrated

1. Samsung Health

 Samsung Health

Samsung Health is a pre-installed app on Samsung smartphones that integrates with Galaxy Watch and Galaxy Ring to track health and fitness data. The platform allows users to monitor physical activity, set personalized goals, and even track water intake.


Users can set a daily hydration goal, and the app provides a progress bar to track how close they are to meeting their target visually. This feature helps encourage consistent water consumption throughout the day.

How to use it:

  1. Open the Samsung Health;
  2. Tap the three-dot icon;
  3. Go to “Edit Home”;
  4. Tighten in “+”;
  5. Select “Water” and give “OK”;
  6. Return to the home screen;
  7. Open the water consumption menu;
  8. Define the goal and size of the glass.

Now, mark water consumption in the app.

2. Google Fit

Google Fit


Google Fit is available for Android and iOS (iPhone) and useful for tracking daily health and fitness activities. In addition to monitoring physical activity, the app allows users to log their water intake, helping them keep track of their daily hydration levels.

To record the amount of liquid ingested in the app, follow:

  1. Open Google Fit (Android | iOS);
  2. Click “search”;
  3. Select the “Food” tab;
  4. Touch “Hydration”;
  5. Tighten the icon of “+”;
  6. Enter the amount of liquid that was consumed;
  7. Tap “save”.

The app then will record this information and generate daily, weekly, monthly, and annual consumption reports. Thus, tracking and monitoring its evolution when drinking water is possible.

3. Apple Health

Apple Health

The Health app is a native iPhone (iOS) application that helps users track physical and mental health data. In addition to monitoring fitness and wellness metrics, it allows users to log and track their water intake, making it a useful tool for staying hydrated throughout the day.

To add information about water intake to the app, follow the step by step:

  1. Open the Health app;
  2. Access the “Explore” tab;
  3. Click on “Nutrition”;
  4. Select the option “Water”;
  5. Tap “Add data”;
  6. Indicate the day, time, and amount of liquid ingested;
  7. Tighten “Add”.

The app will then store data about the water you drink daily.

4. Waterminder


WaterMinder is an easy-to-use hydration tracking app for Android and iOS (iPhone). The iPhone can sync with the Health app to calculate a personalized daily water intake goal based on your health data.

After setting up your profile, you’ll need to enable notifications—only then will WaterMinder send reminders to help you stay hydrated throughout the day.

In the app, follow the step by step to add information about water intake:

  1. Open Wateminder (Android | iOS);
  2. Click on the “+” icon;
  3. Indicate the amount of water ingested.

WaterMinder also allows users to log beverages like tea and coffee, contributing to overall hydration.

Additionally, the app offers a paid version that unlocks extra features for approximately R$ 39 per year.

5. Hydro Coach

Hydro Coach

Like WaterMinder, Hydro Coach is available for both Android and iOS. After downloading the app, users can set a daily water intake goal and enable notifications to receive reminders throughout the day.

To add information about your water consumption, follow the instructions:

  1. Open Hydro Coach (Android | iOS);
  2. Click on “Add”;
  3. Indicate the amount of water consumed.

The app logs water intake times and generates weekly consumption reports, allowing users to compare hydration levels over the past seven days.

Hydro Coach also offers a premium version for $49.90 per year, which unlocks additional features for enhanced tracking and insights.

Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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