Best Sharepoint Alternatives in 2023

By Aayush
Image Source: SharePoint

Now if you are wondering what exactly is SharePoint then as the name suggests it’s a collaboration that is, a sharing point. It’s also a platform for document management. And it is used by so many people and users that it is mind-blowing. You would be surprised to know no that approximately 80% of fortune 500 companies use this platform for some work or other.

And since we said some work or the other that clearly means that it doesn’t only have one use it can be used in plenty of other ways as well so let us list them down for you to make it simpler.

What is SharePoint used for?

It has various uses, some of which are listed below:

  1. SharePoint can be used as a document-sharing platform, as is mentioned in the name as well, in a cloud-based form
  2. So since it is a SharePoint, therefore it can be used as a collaboration of various things. for instance – a website, a list creator, a document, or just a calendar
  3. It can also be used as a CMS that is a content management system
  4. and last, but not least it can also be used as a platform for business intelligence that is BI.
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So these were some of the main uses of SharePoint and below are some of the alternatives that serve the same purpose but are even better.

SharePoint if we say it is a bit complex and can take a while to get used to it even after that, you have to keep up with it, and you have to do regular maintenance checks which can get quite exhausting, and therefore people look for easier alternatives.

So here are some, check them out and see if they can be useful to you.

Alternatives of SharePoint:

1. Glasscubes


Now Glasscubes is one of the most popular and widely known alternatives to SharePoint and the reason it is, is because it delivers quite the same features and characteristics, it allows you to manage documents and do stuff that SharePoint lets you do but it is much much simpler. You can easily set it up all on your own and you can then work with it later on with much ease.

2. Huddle

huddle Secure Document Sharing

Huddle is another great platform for document management and file sharing which are two of its primary focus for which it is widely known and used. Much like Glasscubes, it can be easily set up on your own and is easier to work with.

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3. Samepage


Now, this is again a simpler and much useful alternative to SharePoint. as the name suggests it allows you to talk and work on the same page that is you can have real-time chatting with your clients and your fellow employees and you can work on the document at the same time on the same page. Great, isn’t it?

4. Liferay


Again a great alternative to SharePoint. It allows you to collaborate it allows you to share but it also goes beyond such things. It is a digital experience platform that you can use with quite an ease and simplicity.

Well, these were four of the best alternatives for SharePoint. In this digital world sharing data and receiving it and working together online is very very relevant and on the go. It’s very important to have a platform where you can do so effectively without any difficulties or troubles and these are the platform that will let you do so. So go on and check them out.

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Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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