It’s fairly possible that the Notification Ringtone of the Telegram app is just like that of the other messenger, even using Whatsapp. So many think to change these Sounds so we can distinguish between app notifications.
In this case, Telegram allows changing its notification sounds within the App itself. In this article, we will see a step-by-step guide on how to Change Notification Ringtone on Telegram.
Change the Notification Ringtone on Telegram
1. Open your Telegram and click on the 3 lines in the upper left corner, after that click on settings.
2. In this settings tab, click on “Notifications and Sounds”.
3. Click on the “Private Chats” option on Android, or on iOS click on “Message notifications”.
4. Locate the “Sound” option and click on it, after that a tab with numerous different sounds will open. Click on the sound you like most as a notification for your Telegram and that’s it! You have successfully changed your messenger’s ringtone.
So, it’s simple and quite easy to change the notification ringtone on Telegram. Comment below if there are any doubts that we will try to clarify in the best possible way!