Chrome Tests tool that Reads text aloud on PC

By Aayush

Google Chrome is trying a new feature to make the browser read text out loud. People testing it found this tool in the app’s reading mode. It’s similar to how some other browsers also have this feature.

The voice on Chrome sounds a bit robotic and not very natural. It’s mainly made to help people who might have trouble reading. You’ll see a “Play” button at the top of an article while in reading mode if you can use it.

Right now, you can’t do much with this tool – you can only start it or stop it. It’s pretty basic and not as good as what other browsers like Firefox and Microsoft Edge offer. Those browsers have had a similar tool for years, which works much better.

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Even though Chrome’s tool isn’t fancy, it’s still helpful, especially for people with difficulty hearing. With some improvements, it could become more like listening to an audiobook. It might work for almost any article you find online.

This new tool is still being tried, so it’s not final. It might go through some changes before it’s officially released. We don’t know precisely when that will be, but since they’re testing it on Chrome Canary, it might be a few months before everyone can use it.

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Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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