Google Keep launches the new text editor for everyone

By Aayush

Google has finally given all users access to the cool new tools for making your notes in Google Keep look even better. They shared this update last Thursday (24), and over the next 15 days, they will slowly give it to everyone.

This new text editor for Google Keep started on August 18, but now it’s available for everyone. With this editor, you can make your text look fancier. You can change the font size to make titles big (H1) or a bit smaller (H2), and you can also make things bold, italic, underline, or even have a line through them.


Google Keep's advanced formatting options are available in the Android app

These new options are basic but perfect for Google Keep, which is meant for quick and easy note-taking. They help you make lists that stand out and let you personalize your notes.


To use these special formatting tools, you’ll see them on the screen where you edit your note, right under the “A” button. Currently, these tools are only available in the Keep app for Android phones.

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Now that Google has officially launched the feature, they’re making it available to everyone. Google says that it might take around 15 days for all users to get the feature in their app.

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Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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