How Facebook Identity Confirmation Works

By Aayush

If you use the social network frequently, you may have already asked yourself how Facebook identity verification works. This is a security procedure that the platform may require at different times.

If you lose access to your account or need to confirm your name on Facebook, this will be one of the steps in the process. Stores with a checkout on their social network or Instagram are also included in the list. The security measure still appears when users want to run ads about social issues, elections, or politics.

In general, the user must submit an identification document, which is done via a form. The social network recommends that unsolicited documents are not included in the process. Even if the user has good intentions in doing so, it can prolong the analysis time.

What documents are accepted in the identity confirmation

The user should include an official identification document when filling out the form. If the receipt does not include your real name or, for some reason, you no longer have access to it, you can send other documents. In any case, it must contain the name and date of birth and a photo.

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For example, the RG has accepted; the passport, driver’s license, and birth certificate. When using unofficial documents, the user can send two files: a student ID; library card; refugee card; University Degree; loyalty card; and confirmation of employment relationship.

How to confirm identity on Facebook

1. To confirm your identity on Facebook (Android l iOS l Web), go to the “Settings” menu. In the “Personal and Account Information” tab, click on “Identity Confirmation”;

2. Select “Serving Ads…” and “Protect Your Account.” Set up two-step authentication if necessary, and finally, upload the documents.

Another way to confirm your identity on Facebook is through the form on the website. In that case, use the “Choose files” button at the bottom of the page. Before uploading, make sure the images are in JPEG. Enter the email or contact number and tap “Send”.

There is also how to perform the procedure through the Commerce Manager. In this case, you must access the “Settings” menu and select the ad type you want to run. Once this is done, follow the instructions to send the necessary documents.

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What happens to the submitted document

More cautious users wonder what Facebook does with documents after identity confirmation. After submission, the file is encrypted and stored in the platform’s database. The document, by the way, will not be disclosed on your profile or any other social network space.

To ensure the integrity of the receipt, manual and automated analyzes are performed. Facebook even raises the possibility of partnering with third parties to confirm the identity of users in the process. The file is stored for up to one year, but the user can change this period in the identity confirmation settings.

This changes when the user wants authorization to run ads that involve social issues, elections, or politics. In this case, the storage time can exceed a year – which, according to Facebook, is done for legal reasons.

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Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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