How to Convert WebP to JPG easily in Chrome

By Aayush

You have certainly had the experience of trying to save an image to your computer, and it appears as WebP. At this point, there is an effective method to convert this picture into JPG or even PN.

Today, we bring you a quick and easy solution if you use Google Chrome.

How to Convert WebP and any other image format to JPG or PNG in Google Chrome

1. To complete this process with one click, you must install the add-on “Save Image as Type” in Google Chrome.

2. This add-on adds an extra option in the menu to convert WebP to JPG when you right-click on an image, as you can see below:

How to convert WebP to JPG easily in Chrome

Now, all you need to do is select the option “Save image as Type” and select the format you want, such as JPG, PNG, or even if you want to convert an image to Webp.

After that, choose the folder where the file will be saved, and it will be there converted to the desired format.

That way, you never have to copy the image again, open Paint (or Photoshop), and then save the image in the desired format.

What is Webp

WebP is a picture format created by Google Inc. to decrease the size of documents and strengthen quicker transfer for people with a slow net.

Another benefit of WebP is it brings together the very best in different formats, like the chance of compressing the document (like JPEG)and also the capacity to work with transparency (like PNG) and support for cartoons (in precisely the same manner as GIF).

Do you need any other help with this tutorial on converting WebP to JPG or PNG? Let us know in the comments.

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Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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