How to Enable Birthday Notification on Facebook

By Aayush

If you’re someone who loves receiving birthday wishes on Facebook, knowing how to turn on birthday notifications is essential. Depending on your privacy settings, this information may not be visible to others, so it’s essential to ensure it’s appropriately enabled.

There could be a couple of reasons why your birthday notification may not appear to others. It’s possible that you’ve hidden your birthday date or accidentally entered it incorrectly. Fortunately, the solutions for both scenarios are straightforward. If it’s the latter case and you recently changed the date, you may need to wait a few days before correcting the error.


The good news is that the option to enable birthday notifications is available on all versions of Facebook. While the interface remains consistent mainly, each version may require users to follow a specific path to access the settings.

Enable Birthday Notification in Facebook App

1. To make your birthday public on Facebook (Android l iOS l Web), Open the “Menu” of the application and, in the “Settings” tab, select “Profile Settings”. On the next screen, choose the “Privacy” option to proceed;


Facebook Profile Settings

2. Now, click on “Manage your profile” and in the “Basic Information” section, tap on the “Edit” command on the right. To change the day, month and year, click on each one. Select the privacy icon, also on the right, and choose between “Public” or “Friends” to make the information visible.

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Make Birthday Visible To Public

After that, just save your preferences via the command at the bottom of the screen. It is important that you know that when you choose the “Public” mode, any user of the social network will see your birthday. With the option “Friends”, only profiles added to your account will have access. Either way, notifications reach your friends exclusively.


You might have noticed that the day and month of your birth have separate privacy settings, while the year of birth has its own setting as well. To ensure that your friends receive accurate birthday notifications, it’s important to make sure all this information is visible.

By adjusting the privacy settings for your birth date, you can ensure that your friends are able to see and receive notifications for your birthday. This way, you can make sure that everyone can celebrate and send their wishes on your special day.

Enable Facebook Birthday Notification on PC

1. On the PC, the path is even easier. Go to the profile page and, under the cover, select the “About” tab. Locate the “Basic and Contact Information” section and, just like in the app, there will be your birthday. Through the pencil icon, you can change it. To display the information to your friends, tap the privacy button on the right;

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2. As in the previous step, choose between “Public” and “Friends”. On the computer, you can even customize the display of information. To do so, click on the last option and, in it, add or exclude specific friends from the list.

How to Check a friend’s birthday notification in the app

Now, if you’re not getting birthday notifications from your friends, the other way around. The option is almost hidden among the complicated menu of the social network and, for this reason, many users cannot find it.

1. Return to the “Settings” screen, located in the “Menu” of the application;

2. In “Profile Settings”, locate the “Notifications” section and choose “Notification Settings”;

3. From the options, select “Birthday” and, to enable notifications, click on the button next to the command “Allow notifications on Facebook”.

Once this is done, you can customize how messages will arrive in your account (by email, push or SMS). There is also a way to enable notifications for past and future birthdays. If you want to disable all notifications for some reason, just retrace your steps and click the feature button. It should be gray in color.

Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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