How to Enable or Disable Linkedin Open to Work

By Aayush

LinkedIn is a social networking site that helps you connect with people you already know and allows you to meet other professionals. You can use it for job search to networking with potential business partners. You can also choose to work remotely or in an office, which may be why Linkedin offers this new “Open To Work” Feature.

LinkedIn lets you show potential employers that you are looking for work. Or do the opposite and remove this markup.

What is Linkedin’s Open to Work

We all know the importance of networking. It can help us find jobs, connect, and grow our businesses. But sometimes, networking can be a little too public. That’s where LinkedIn’s “Open to Work” feature comes in. This feature allows users to indicate that they are open to new job opportunities and makes it easy for recruiters and others to find them.

But what if you’re not looking for a new job? Or what if you want to keep your job search private? You may wish to disable the “Open to Work” feature in those cases. Here’s how to do it.

How to Enable Linkedin’s Open to Work

On the PC:

  1. Go to “” (without quotes) in your browser and log in to your account;
  2. Click on the “Me” icon at the top of the screen and go to “View Profile”;
  3. In the first block of your profile, tap on the box “Show recruiters you’re open to work” and then on “Get Started.”Linkedin Open to Work
  4. Fill in the form with your job preferences that you are interested in job locations, start date, and types of vacancies;
  5. Define who can see that you are looking for a job by checking one of the options at the bottom of the page;
  6. Click “Add to Profile” to complete.
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On Android and iPhone:

  1. Open the LinkedIn app on your phone;
  2. On the home screen, tap your profile picture in the upper left corner, then tap the image again to open the profile;
  3. In the first block of your profile, tap on the box “Show recruiters you’re open to work” and then on “Get Started”;
  4. Fill in the form with your job preferences that you are interested in job locations, start date, and types of vacancies;
  5. Define who can see that you are looking for a job by checking one of the options at the bottom of the page;
  6. Tap “Add to Profile” to finish.

And ready. The Linkedin Open to Work badge will be added to your profile, which will be visible to recruiters and other users. They will know that you are looking for new opportunities in the job market.

How to remove Open to Work from Linkedin

If you’re not actively looking for a job, you may want to disable the LinkedIn Open to Work feature. This feature makes your profile visible to recruiters and hiring managers, even if you’re not currently searching for a job. Here’s how to disable LinkedIn Open to Work:

On the computer:

  1. Go to “” (without quotes) in your browser and log in to your account;
  2. Click on the “Me” icon at the top of the screen and go to “View Profile”;
  3. Click on the pencil icon inside the “Open for Work” box;
  4. Click on “Delete from profile” to disable the feature;
  5. Confirm with “Delete.”
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On Android and iPhone:

  1. Open the LinkedIn app on your phone;
  2. On the home screen, tap your profile picture in the upper left corner, then tap the Profile Image again to open the profile;
  3. In the “Available for employment” box, tap the pencil icon to edit;
  4. Scroll to the bottom and tap “Delete from Profile” to disable the feature.
  5. Confirm the action in “Delete.”

Ready. Remember that you can reactivate LinkedIn’s Open to Work at any time. However, your previous preferences will not be saved, so you must fill in the form again.

Is the LinkedIn Open to Work badge paid?

Not. The feature is free for all LinkedIn users, and a LinkedIn Premium membership is not required.

The Open to Work badge is gone from my profile. What happened?

LinkedIn relies on algorithms as well as responses to contact from recruiters. If you cease to respond to these messages, LinkedIn will send you an email, prompting you to say that you are still looking for jobs.

The Open to Work badge is removed from the profile if no confirmation is received. You can manually enable the feature again if it was removed by mistake.


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Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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