How to Find Your Threads Registration Number

By Aayush

When you register your profile on Threads, the social network linked to Instagram, it utilizes your Instagram account name and username. However, another important identifier determines your position on the platform: your Threads registration number, also known as the “Threads CPF.”

This unique number can be found on your Instagram profile page, displayed alongside the Threads logo icon. It serves as an additional identification for your account within the Threads community.


By using the Threads CPF, users can quickly locate and connect on the platform. It is a distinctive identifier that sets individuals apart and helps facilitate interactions and engagement within the Threads social network.

This separate identification number ensures that each user has a unique presence on Threads, separate from their Instagram account. It adds a layer of distinction and organization within the platform, making it easier for users to find and interact with others who are also part of the Threads community.


Find Your Threads Registration Number

The registration number appears on your Instagram profile only after registering your Threads account.

To check your Threads registration number, do this:

  1. Open Instagram;
  2. Tap the profile icon to access your page;
  3. Check the Threads number just below your name.
  4. Tap the number to see the options;
  5. Choose “View Profile on Threads” to be redirected;
  6. Tap “Hide Badge” to remove the tag from your profile.
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Threads Registration Number

Meta, the parent company of Threads, allows users to hide their profile registration number if they prefer. The registration number is a temporary badge on your Instagram profile, notifying your followers that you are also on Threads.


If you’re curious about your friend’s subscription number, you can find it by visiting their Instagram profile. However, it’s important to note that you cannot search for users based on their registration numbers, and Threads does not provide a way to check these numbers.

For early adopters of Threads, having a lower registration number can be a point of pride. Some celebrities, brands, and influencers were granted early access to the social network before its official launch, allowing them to secure the first entry numbers on the platform. This “Instagram Twitter” subscriber count holds a certain level of significance for those who were among the first to join Threads.

While the registration number can be a temporary badge and a source of excitement for early adopters, users can hide it. It serves as a way to connect your Threads profile with your existing Instagram presence, giving your followers a heads-up about your presence on the new social network.

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Where is my Threads registration number?

Your Threads registration number is a badge that appears on your Instagram profile after you create a Threads account. You can find it by going to your profile and tapping on the badge. The number will be displayed below your username.

What does my Threads registration number mean?

Your Threads registration number is a unique identifier that shows how early you signed up for Threads. The lower your number, the earlier you signed up. This information is not publicly visible, but you can share it with others.

Why do I need my Threads registration number?

A: You don’t necessarily need your Threads registration number for anything. However, some people like to share it to show off how early they signed up for the app. Additionally, if you ever have problems with your Threads account, you may need to provide your registration number to Instagram support.

What if I can’t find my Threads registration number?

If you can’t find your Threads registration number, you can try the following:

  • Check your Instagram profile again to ensure you’re looking at the correct badge.
  • Log out of Instagram and log back in.
  • Uninstall and reinstall the Threads app.
  • Contact Instagram support for help.
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Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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