How to Integrate Apple Music with Shazam

By Aayush

Discovering new music has never been easier, thanks to Shazam. Since partnering with Apple in 2017, Shazam has allowed users to quickly identify songs playing in their surroundings or within other apps on their iPhone or iPad.

Apple Music Shazam


For a more seamless experience, users can integrate Shazam with Apple Music. This integration enables them to build a library of identified songs, add them to playlists, and listen to full tracks directly through the app.

Steps to Integrate Apple Music with Shazam

Before you begin, download the Shazam app from the App Store. Once installed, follow these simple steps to connect the two services on your Apple device:

  1. Launch the Shazam app on your device.
  2. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to access additional options.
  3. Tap the settings icon (represented by a gear symbol).
  4. In the settings menu, locate the “Streaming” section.
  5. Toggle the switch next to “Sync Shazams with Apple Music” to enable synchronization.

Troubleshooting Account Linking Issues

If you encounter issues while linking your accounts, you may need to authorize Shazam’s access to Apple Music manually. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Scroll down and select Shazam from the list of apps.
  3. Enable the Media & Apple Music option.
  4. Return to the Shazam app and repeat the integration steps.

By following these steps, you can enjoy a seamless music discovery experience with Shazam and Apple Music, making it effortlessly easier to save and listen to your favorite tracks.

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Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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