How to Send Photos in PDF by WhatsApp

By Aayush

In case you prefer to send images in the other format to someone else, WhatsApp allows you to send photos in PDF format in addition to photos and videos. You need to know how to send a photo in PDF using WhatsApp for Android and iPhone (iOS) phones and WhatsApp Web.

When sending a photo in PDF by WhatsApp, you will send a file in this format using the document upload feature, so the image must be saved as a “.pdf.” Now it Works even Its in the Image Format.

Although Keep In mind that the File Or Photos Sent through Documents Will not e visible in Gallery. You might need to Open WhatsApp Document Folder to access it. Usually, You Can open it through WhatsApp but in case you deleted the message. So let’s Check how to Send Photos in PDF by WhatsApp

How to Send Photos in PDF by WhatsApp

On Android

  1. Open a WhatsApp conversation and tap on the field to enter text;
  2. Tap the attach icon (paper clip) and select “Document”;
  3. Locate the PDF photo you want to upload and tap on it;
  4. Confirm the submission by clicking on “Send”.
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on iPhone

  1. Open a conversation on WhatsApp;
  2. In the lower-left corner, tap the plus (“+”) button and go to “Document”;
  3. Locate the PDF photo you want to upload and tap on it;
  4. Tap “Submit” to confirm submission.

On WhatsApp Web (PC)

  1. Open a conversation on WhatsApp;
  2. Click on the attach icon (paper clip) and select “Document”;
  3. Locate, on your computer, the PDF photo you want to send;
  4. Click on “Send”;
  5. Confirm the submission by clicking the green button.

What is the maximum size of the photo in PDF?

WhatsApp allows you to send PDF photos (and any other document) of up to 100 MB for each file.

Can I send a PDF photo saved in the cloud?

No. The file must be saved on your phone or computer to send a photo in PDF via WhatsApp.

Can I send a PDF photo in groups?

Yup. Follow the same tutorial on your device to send images and PDF documents to the WhatsApp groups you participate in.

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Where is the WhatsApp saved documents folder?

If you receive a PDF photo via WhatsApp (or any other file via messenger), it will be saved in the WhatsApp folder “WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Documents”. The folder location varies by device and operating system.

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Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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