How To Identify Fake Facebook Accounts

By Aayush

Facebook has put together a social network of over a billion people. But it has its Pros and cons. Talking about cons, Facebook has seen excessive growth in Fake accounts. Most accounts are used to spread spam and viruses and steal their financial information.

There is no way Facebook can take all these Fake accounts or create papers to do so. The only way to pretend Facebook Safer for all we are employed and news out any suspicious Facebook accounts.

How to Identify Fake Facebook Accounts

1. Use Reverse image search to identify the person in the profile picture

Reverse Image Search

This is the fastest way of identifying fake Facebook accounts. How does the reverse image search help you identify Fake Facebook accounts? Well, Reverse image search takes an image as an input and searches for similar images existing on the internet. It is like a search engine for images. Check out the guide on Reverse Image Search

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If the Facebook account is real then you will have a hard time finding out a similar photograph of the user on the internet.

2. Check The Fake Account Timeline

Find out when the user has joined Facebook, most fake accounts are created less than a week before they start sending out rampant friend requests.

3. Check friend list

Most Of the Fake account has fewer friends and if an account has many mutual friends with you, then chances are there that the Fake accounts are created by one of your friends who is trying to have some fun.

4. Watch of Fake profiles of Girls

Most fake profiles created are with a girls identity.

5. Do a little detective work.

It Will be Fun. You might also find out that fake account person is your friend.

6. Block the request.

If you don’t have a good feeling about somebody, there’s a simple solution: don’t turn down the request for friendship, block them completely.

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Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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