Instagram is testing posts visible only to Close Friends

By Aayush

Instagram is reportedly developing a new feature allowing users to share photos and videos with a select group of friends on their feed, similar to the “close friends” feature on Instagram Stories.

This feature has been discovered by Alessandro Paluzzi, a well-known leaker, who shared a screenshot of the code showing the new “Audience” option in the post configuration, which will limit the post’s reach to a specific group of contacts.

Although the feature is currently inactive, it could potentially be a useful tool for users who want to share more personal content with a select group of people on their feed.

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Instagram users may soon be able to post photos and videos in their feed exclusively to a select group of friends, similar to the “close friends” feature in Stories. This new feature has been discovered in the app’s code by leaker Alessandro Paluzzi. The “Audience” option in post settings would allow users to limit the reach of their posts to specific contacts.

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The demand for this feature has been long-standing in the Instagram community, as it could eliminate the need for multiple accounts to target different audiences. However, it is still unclear if this new feature will allow users to create a new list of close friends for the feed or if it will be identical to the one already created for Stories.

As of now, Instagram has not confirmed the existence of this feature, and it may take some time to become available to the general public. It is also possible that this feature may not be released at all. Only time will tell.

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Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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