Microsoft has clarified that Windows Recall, an AI-powered feature in Windows 11 designed to help users remember and resume recent activities, cannot be uninstalled from the operating system. This feature aims to boost productivity by making picking up where you left off more manageable.
Still, despite some earlier reports suggesting otherwise, Microsoft has confirmed that removing Windows Recall from Windows 11 is impossible.
We cannot uninstall Recall, but we can deactivate it.
Brandon LeBlanc, Senior Product Director at Microsoft, confirmed to The Verge that the option to uninstall Windows Recall, which briefly appeared in some test versions of Windows 11, was a bug. This issue will be addressed in future updates. Users won’t be able to uninstall Recall, but they can disable it. This is especially important for users concerned about data privacy and security.
One of the major concerns surrounding Windows Recall is that the data it manages is stored locally without encryption. Although the data isn’t transferred to the cloud, its local storage without encryption could make it vulnerable to attacks.
In response to these security concerns, Microsoft has decided to delay the release of the Recall preview version until October 2024. This delay will allow the company to implement necessary improvements before the feature is widely deployed.
- Microsoft will relaunch Windows Recall for Insiders in October.
- Windows Recall introduces these hidden functions in its most recent version.
- Microsoft Postpones the Launch of Windows Recall
Windows Recall will be integrated into devices classified as Copilot Plus PCs, known for their high efficiency, performance, and AI capabilities. Although some users might prefer the ability to completely uninstall the feature, disabling it should be sufficient for those who don’t want it running in the background. Hopefully, this disabling option will be easily accessible and straightforward to use.