Microsoft Edge Multiple Click Download Issue: How to Resolve

Hey, fellow Microsoft Edge users! Noticed how annoying it is trying to open files you download sometimes? You click once, expecting it to open, but nope – it just sits there. So you click again. And maybe again before it actually works!

Super irritating, I know. Seems like a small thing but it can really grind your gears when a download won’t open easily, especially with Edge constantly bugging us to change settings lately, too.


You start questioning everything – is my mouse broken? Did I imagine clicking the file already? Is my computer a complete mess?? But nah, Edge is inconsistent with how many clicks it wants.

Windows lets you set 1 or 2 click to open stuff. But that setting doesn’t fix this download issue in Edge. And the bug comes and goes randomly too! One time 1 click works. The next you’re stuck clicking 5 times before it opens your dang download!


So in short, you’re not crazy – Edge really does have a glitchy, intermittent issue with opening downloads. We can commiserate about this annoyance together, lol.

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What causes the bug, and how can it be solved?

A Reddit user conducted a small investigation, revealing that a bug was introduced in Edge version 120 and later. Users found that downgrading to version 119 of Edge resolves the issue temporarily, but it resurfaces upon installing a newer version. Currently, Edge version 121 is the latest version available on the Stable Channel.


The community hopes Microsoft releases a fix promptly, reminiscent of when it addressed the alleged bug causing the browser to siphon data from Chrome and other browsers. In the meantime, users can navigate the bug by opening their downloads from the edge://download page or by left-clicking multiple times. While not ideal, these workarounds shed light on the issue, hopefully prompting the Edge team to address it swiftly.

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Rohit is a certified Microsoft Windows expert with a passion for simplifying technology. With years of hands-on experience and a knack for problem-solving, He is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses make the most of their Windows systems. Whether it's troubleshooting, optimization, or sharing expert insights,
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