Microsoft Offers Users the Option to Uninstall Windows Recall After Controversy

Windows Recall was initially intended to be the standout feature of Windows 11 24H2, the upcoming major update to the operating system. However, due to concerns about its security, the feature has been postponed and won’t be available as originally planned.

According to Deskmodder, it is almost certain that Microsoft will allow users to uninstall Windows Recall once it is released.


Everything indicates that Microsoft will let us uninstall Windows Recall.

Results shown by Windows Recall

Windows Recall is a new feature that Microsoft had planned to introduce with Windows 11 24H2, particularly for PCs under the Copilot+ initiative. This tool was designed to function as an “advanced explorer,” capable of remembering everything you’ve done on your PC by capturing screenshots regularly. It would allow users to search for previous actions or files using natural language, making it easier to manage daily tasks and retrieve information.


However, due to security concerns—specifically, issues with the encryption of captured data—Microsoft decided to delay its launch to address these problems.

Recently, after the release of the optional Windows 11 24H2 cumulative update (KB5041865), references have surfaced suggesting that users may have the option to uninstall Windows Recall. This development raises questions about whether the uninstall feature will be available to all users or if it will be limited to specific regions, such as the European Union, similar to the way Bing and Edge are handled.


We’ll continue monitoring whether Microsoft allows users to uninstall Windows Recall. Many users hope for this option, as greater control over what runs on their computers generally leads to a better user experience.

Rohit is a certified Microsoft Windows expert with a passion for simplifying technology. With years of hands-on experience and a knack for problem-solving, He is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses make the most of their Windows systems. Whether it's troubleshooting, optimization, or sharing expert insights,
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