In an unexpected turn of events, Microsoft has decided to delay the release of Windows Recall, a key feature in its new Copilot+ PC initiative. Originally scheduled to launch on June 18, Windows Recall aimed to capture screenshots every few seconds, but concerns over unencrypted storage of sensitive data have led to a postponement. Microsoft communicated this decision through a post on the Windows Blog.
Just a few days ago, Microsoft announced significant updates to enhance the security of Windows Recall. However, they have not had sufficient time to implement these changes correctly. Opting for a cautious approach, Microsoft has chosen to delay the launch to avoid further criticism.
Although Microsoft had previously assured that Windows Recall would debut with the new Copilot+ PCs, they are now taking additional time to address security concerns adequately. This decision reflects their commitment to ensuring the feature meets the highest security standards before its release.
When will Recall return?
According to Microsoft, Windows Recall will be available through the Windows Insider program in the coming weeks and will likely test the new security features. Once thoroughly tested, it will be included in the Windows 11 24H2 update.
As a result, the new Copilot+ PCs will launch without their highly anticipated AI feature. However, users can still enjoy other new functionalities like live translations, Windows Studio effects, Paint Cocreator, and the Image Generator in the Photos app.
Despite this setback, the Copilot+ PCs remain innovative. The standout feature is the performance and efficiency provided by the new Qualcomm Snapdragon X SoC. These processors promise remarkable power and battery life, making them a compelling reason to purchase one of these new PCs.