Most Used Android Version in 2023?

By Aayush

Despite being the most recent and advanced version of Google’s mobile operating system, Android 13 is only the fifth most popular platform in 2023. Although the number of devices running the latest OS has doubled since January of this year, it is still far from achieving dominance in the market.

According to Google’s statistics, as of January 2023, Android 13 was only present on 5% of devices that run on the Android operating system. However, this number has more than doubled since April, with around 12.1% of devices running on Android 13.


While this growth shows acceleration, Android 13 is still not in a good position, as it is even behind Android 9 (Pie), which was released in 2018, when Google used to name its operating systems after desserts. Android 9 is still running on about 12.3% of smartphones.

Most Used Android version 2023

  1. Android 11 (R) 23.50%
  2. Android 10 (Q) 18.50%
  3. Android 12 (S) 16.50%
  4. Android 9 (Pie) 12.30%
  5. Android 13 (T) 12.10%
  6. Android 8 (Oreo) 6.70%
  7. Android 7 (Nougat) 3.30%
  8. Android 6 (Marshmallow) 2.50%
  9. Android 5 (Lollipop) 1.90%
  10. Android 4.4 (KitKat) 0.60%

According to Google’s latest survey, Android is still facing the issue of fragmentation despite its efforts to achieve a more consistent ecosystem. This problem may worsen with the impending release of Android 14.


Android 11 is the most popular Android Version.

According to recent statistics by Google, Android 11 remains the most widely used mobile operating system, released in 2020. It currently runs on approximately 23.5% of devices powered by Google’s system.

Although it predates Google’s Material You, the visual identity introduced in Android 12, Android 11 introduced notable features such as specialized application permissions and separate sections for notifications and conversations.


The current fragmentation situation in the Android ecosystem is a concern, but efforts by Google and its partners to improve the situation may bring about changes in the coming years. Google is working with manufacturers to ensure that cell phones receive updates for a longer duration.

Samsung has promised to provide updates for up to five years, a positive step toward addressing the fragmentation issue. The hope is that with more manufacturers following suit, users can enjoy the latest features and security updates for longer, and the fragmentation problem will be minimized.

Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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