Other Microsoft products can now be updated through Windows Update

It’s crucial to keep Windows updated to access new features and improvements. Historically, Windows Update has focused on updating the Windows operating system and antivirus software. However, a significant change is coming with the August 2024 update for both Windows 10 and Windows 11.

From this update onward, users can install updates for other Microsoft products directly through Windows Update. This means applications like Visual Studio and possibly others will benefit from this streamlined update process. This integration simplifies maintenance and ensures that all Microsoft software is updated with the latest security patches and features.


Windows Update will allow updating other Microsoft dependencies.

Starting in August 2024, you can update other Microsoft products through Windows Update if you enable this option. For a long time, Windows Update has been used mainly for installing security patches and new versions of the Windows operating system. It also handles antivirus updates and optional features. That’s what it’s been all about.

But things are changing. Microsoft has announced that in the August 2024 security patch for Windows, they’re adding the ability to update other Microsoft software dependencies through Windows Update. This means you can use Windows Update to install updates for programs like Visual Studio.

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To use this new feature, you’ll need to enable an option called “Receive updates for other Microsoft products,” which you can find in the Advanced Options of Windows Update settings. Once enabled, you’ll receive updates for Office, Visual Studio, and more directly through Windows Update. This feature will be called Microsoft Updates, and you can turn it on or off whenever you like.

However, there are still some uncertainties about how this will work exactly, so we’ll have to wait for Microsoft to provide more details. It’s been confirmed that some updates, like those for Visual Studio 2022, can be reverted if needed.


Steps to avoid updating Visual Studio from Windows Update without losing this feature

If you don’t want to update Visual Studio through Windows Update but still want to keep the ability to update other Microsoft products, you’ll need to modify the Windows registry. This process can be tricky, and changing any settings’s not recommended unless you’re familiar with them. Follow these steps carefully:

  • You must access the Windows’ register.
  • Now, you must access the route: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Setup.
  • Then, in Settings, you will need to create a new key value and title it “VSthroughMUUpdatesOptOut«, without the quotes, and set its DWORD value to 1.
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With this adjustment, you won’t receive Visual Studio updates through Windows Update. However, this won’t affect any other updates, allowing you to continue updating other Microsoft products. This can be a beneficial tweak if you want to manage Visual Studio updates separately.

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Rohit is a certified Microsoft Windows expert with a passion for simplifying technology. With years of hands-on experience and a knack for problem-solving, He is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses make the most of their Windows systems. Whether it's troubleshooting, optimization, or sharing expert insights,
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