How to Schedule Messages on WhatsApp Web

By Aayush
Schedule Messages on WhatsApp Web Via - Blueticks

You may not know this, but scheduling messages via Whatsapp Web is possible! The application doesn’t have a native feature for this yet. But luckily, there’s an extension in Google Chrome that does just what we’ll show you today – allows users the option of scheduling their conversations’ start and end times through various windows on each webpage message thread

How to Schedule Messages on WhatsApp Web

First, you need to install the Blueticks extension in your browser to enable this option in WhatsApp Web. This kind of WhatsApp tool allows sending personalized message campaigns, scheduling future messages, and a few others.

  1. So, First Install this Extension in your Browser. Blueticks extension
  2. After installing the Blueticks extension, open your Whatsapp Web in your browser and login if you haven’t already done so.
  3. Once the page loads, select the conversation where you want to schedule a message.
  4. Click the clock icon next to the record audio button.
  5. A schedule window will appear, type the message and set the day and time you want it sent.
  6. Now click the “Schedule Send” button to schedule your message.

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Once done with these steps, your messages will be Scheduled. You can also repeat these steps to use this feature in other conversations.

So this was the guide to Schedule Messages on WhatsApp Web.

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Aayush is a B.Tech graduate and the talented administrator behind AllTechNerd. . A Tech Enthusiast. Who writes mostly about Technology, Blogging and Digital Marketing.Professional skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics
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